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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 25)
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 122 [CXXII], Issue No. 18Info Publication Date:
April 30, 1921Info found on page:
612Info Title:
C.O.D. Mine Leased
The C. O. D. mine, originally owned by the Rebecca G. M. Co., has been leased for 2,5 years to H. P. Reiton, Cripple Creek operator, and work has been resumed through the main 3-compartment shaft.
Above Info was Last Updated on 30.10.2020 (11:04:30)
Above Info was First Seen 23.02.2020
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 61 [LXI], Issue No. 1583Info Publication Date:
June 2, 1910Info found on page:
524Info Title:
C. O. D. Started Up Again by Lessee
The plant of the C. O. D. mine, in Poverty gulch, was started Thursday by the Frank Thomas Leasing company. The mine, owned by the Rebecca Gold Mining Co., is reputed one of the oldest of the district, and has produced close to $1,000,000.

The main shaft has been sunk 900 ft., and the total development to date comprises about 7,500 ft. of laterals, extending for the most part to the north of the shaft.

The ore shipped in the earlier days was of high average value, and ore was encountered in one of the lower levels running as high as 850 oz. silver and 5 oz. gold per ton.

The lessees will use machine drills and prospect the different levels and upraises in an exhaustive manner.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 21.04.2023 (08:10:21)
Above Info was First Seen 28.06.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 88 [LXXXVIII], Issue No. 22Info Publication Date:
November 27, 1909Info found on page:
1089Info Title:
C.O.D. Producing Again
C.O.D.—This mine, in Poverty gulch, has reentered the ranks of producers, lessees having recently made two shipments of ore of fair grade.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 30.10.2020 (11:04:30)
Above Info was First Seen 28.05.2019
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 99 [XCIX], Issue No. 2575; 22Info Publication Date:
November 27, 1909Info found on page:
733Info Title:
C. O. D. Lessees Working
J. E. Jones and associates, leasing the old C. O. D. mine in Poverty gulch, recently made a shipment of ore mined near the collar of the incline shaft that assayed about $25 per ton.

Considerable prospecting work is being done in the mine and shipments will be made regularly in the future.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 21.08.2023 (08:08:24)
Above Info was First Seen 30.04.2022
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 60 [LX], Issue No. 1556Info Publication Date:
November 25, 1909Info found on page:
499Info Title:
C.O.D. Once Again a Shipper
Recent developments by lessees on the C. O. D. mine, in Poverty gulch, have brought this old producer back to the shipping ranks. The ore body which was exposed near the collar of the inclined shaft is about 3 ft. wide and runs about $25 to the ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 14.04.2022 (08:59:41)
Above Info was First Seen 22.06.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 97 [XCVII], Issue No. 2515; 14Info Publication Date:
October 3, 1908Info found on page:
446Info Title:
C. O. D. Sub-Lease Granted
Gus Arnold, secretary of the Mine Owners' Association, has secured a sub-lease on the C. O. D. property, at the head of Poverty gulch, and is now engaged in prospecting.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 12.08.2023 (19:42:31)
Above Info was First Seen 30.09.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining World. Volume: 29 [XXIX], Issue No. 4Info Publication Date:
July 25, 1908Info found on page:
141Info Title:
Cripple Creek District Up to Date; Low-Grade Shipments
Cripple Creek—Some heavy shipments of low-grade dump ore have been made recently from the dumps of the Anchoria-Leland, El Paso, Pueblo, C. O. D. and Gregory mines. The values range from $7 to $15 to the ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 29.12.2023 (20:06:50)
Above Info was First Seen 29.12.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 57 [LVII], Issue No. 14Info Publication Date:
April 2, 1908Info found on page:
353Info Title:
C. O. D. to Be Back in Business
The missing parts for the compressor on the C. O. D. property have arrived and the machinery will be in operation by April 1.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 15.03.2023 (18:21:42)
Above Info was First Seen 11.06.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 57 [LVII], Issue No. 13Info Publication Date:
March 26, 1908Info found on page:
333Info Title:
C. O. D. Being Put Into Shape by Henry Dahl
Henry Dahl is putting in shape the shaft house and machinery of the C. O. D. property which he expects to start up as soon as repairs are completed.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 15.03.2023 (15:58:07)
Above Info was First Seen 11.06.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 57 [LVII], Issue No. 12Info Publication Date:
March 19, 1908Info found on page:
312Info Title:
C. O. D. Leased by Henry Dahl and Associates
Henry Dahl and associates have taken a lease on the old C. O. D. property, adjoining the El Paso-Gold King mine in Poverty gulch. It is developed to a depth of 900 ft. and was an important producer in the camp's earlier days.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 10.03.2023 (09:23:34)
Above Info was First Seen 10.06.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining World. Volume: 25 [XXV], Issue No. 15Info Publication Date:
October 13, 1906Info found on page:
473Info Title:
C. O. D. Lessee Hayden to Coorporate with Gold King at 1000 Feet
Cripple Creek.—Work on the shaft of the C. O. D. mine, under lease to L. A. Hayden, has been completed to the 1,000 foot level. Arrangements have been made with the Gold King people to have them drift south on their tenth level to the C. O. D. line, and if the ore continues thus far then Mr. Hayden will crosscut from the bottom level of the C. O. D.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 06.11.2023 (08:21:42)
Above Info was First Seen 06.11.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining World. Volume: 24 [XXIV], Issue No. 2Info Publication Date:
January 13, 1906Info found on page:
40Info Title:
C. O. D. Lessees Tillery and Associates in Excellent Ore
Denver, Colo.—Tillery and associates, working the C. O. D., at the head of Poverty gulch, have uncovered 18 inches of excellent ore in a winze sunk from the ninth level. It is valued at $100 per ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 27.10.2023 (08:48:53)
Above Info was First Seen 27.10.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Magazine; With which is Incorporated the "Pacific Coast Miner". Volume: 11 [XI], Issue No. 5Info Publication Date:
May 1905Info found on page:
419Info Title:
C. O. D. Mine During 1904
The C. O. D., at the head of Poverty Gulch, one of the shippers of early days, has been operated by an aggressive leasing company, which has made a resolute fight against the deadly flow of carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas, which is a most serious handicap to deep mining in that vicinity.

A high-grade vein has been opened and a good tonnage of ore will be marketed when connections are made with the adjoining Gold King to relieve the difficulty of "bad air."
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Abstracted and slightly rewritten from source text.Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 14.10.2023 (19:19:37)
Above Info was First Seen 22.11.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 48Info Publication Date:
February 25, 1905Info found on page:
2Info Title:
C. O. D. Lessees Tillery and Associates Working Good Quality
Colorado Springs, Col., Feb. 20.—Of such quality is the shoot undergoing development at the hands of Tillery and associates in the C. O. D. mine, on Gold Hill, that a return of $5000 or more is expected of the last carload, moved within a few days.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 11.10.2023 (17:48:37)
Above Info was First Seen 11.10.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Reporter. Volume: 50 [L], Issue No. 18Info Publication Date:
November 3, 1904Info found on page:
475Info Title:
C. O. D. Lessees Troubled with Bad Air
C. O. D.—Shipments of ore from this property will be very materially increased within the next sixty days. The lessees have determined to drive a crosscut to provide additional ventilation, which will dissipate the foul air which has been frequently encountered in the property.

There has been sufficient ore at hand to warrant a considerable increase, but working has been difficult because of the bad air. On the tenth level there is an ore body ranging in width from twelve to twenty inches of superior quality.

When it becomes possible to work continuously in the drift it is expected that the output will be raised to three or four carloads per week.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 04.10.2022 (17:45:20)
Above Info was First Seen 02.04.2011
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 18Info Publication Date:
July 30, 1904Info found on page:
4Info Title:
Poverty Gulch Mines Illustrate Permanency of Ore Shoot
A good illustration of the permanency of the ore shoot has been in the Gold King and C. O. D. mines, up Poverty Gulch. In the former property a barren, lean zone was encountered, but the management, with pluck and will, went ahead, knowing that the riches had to come from below. They sunk through that portion, which at times was loose, porous and hungry, and after a time the formation became tight and hard, and with it came values, until now the ore they are breaking in the bottom beats anything found above.

That same condition was encountered in the C. O. D. mine, adjoining. Now in the bottom level of that mine is showing a rich ore streak averaging between two and three inches wide that has so thoroughly enriched the ground that the rock is being broken over four feet wide, making screenings which average around two ounces in gold to the ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 22.09.2023 (07:48:14)
Above Info was First Seen 22.09.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 14Info Publication Date:
July 2, 1904Info found on page:
4Info Title:
C. O. D. Lessees Tillery and Associates Working 10th Level
Lessee Tillery and associates operating under lease A block of the C. O. D. property in Poverty Gulch, have installed machine drills and are now pushing work in the tenth level some 700 feet northwest of the shaft, where they have a good-looking vein which is returning values better than pay.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 18.09.2023 (08:45:35)
Above Info was First Seen 18.09.2023
Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
The Cripple Creek Times. Issue No. 1Info Publication Date:
January 1, 1903Info found on page:
55Info Title:
Bob Womack Donated Claim Location
During the years 1890 and 1891 Bob Womack had between thirty and forty locations in the camp. Generous to a fault, whenever one of his friends was looking for a location, Bob would present them with a claim, and thus it came to pass that some of the best properties in the district passed through his hands without his having received the slightest benefit therefrom.

Among the properties upon the claims which the generous prospector gave away were such as the Kittie M., the Lone Star, the Abe Lincoln, the C. O. D., the Rebecca, and dozens of others on Bull hill and Battle mountain.
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Abstracted and slightly rewritten from source text.Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 16.10.2021 (20:23:21)
Above Info was First Seen 11.10.2021
Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
Modern Machinery. Volume: 9 [IX], Issue No. 3Info Publication Date:
March 1, 1901Info found on page:
105Info Title:
C. O. D. Use New Rock Drill From Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.
The C. O. D. mine operations are using the new "Chicago-Schmucker" Rock Drill from the Chicago Pneumatic Tool company. This machine is a combination of a pneumatic hammer and pneumatic drill.
Notes/Text been Edited:
Abstracted/rewritten from larger text about 'Chicago-Schmucker Rock Drill', only focusing on the Cripple Creek linkInternet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 04.02.2023 (08:56:59)
Above Info was First Seen 30.01.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Morning Times. Volume: 9 [IX], Issue No. 64Info Publication Date:
February 16, 1900Info found on page:
5Info Title:
C. O. D. To Ship Again


Old Chute That Excited the Camp in the Early Days Has Been Encountered.




New Find Runs From $75 to $100 to the Ton, and There is An Immense Quantity of It in Sight.


The C. O. D. is in good ore again. After a space of over three years, the old producer will again be on the list of shippers and the machinery will run as of old.

The new find was encountered 280 feet north of the main shaft.

That part of the property is under lease to the Pittsburg Gold Mining and Leasing company, who has been working there since October 1, 1898. Their lease is for a period of three years, so they have yet eighteen months to run.

Since taking hold of the property they have done some 800 feet of work and this is the first ore they have encountered.

The vein just encountered varies from three to four feet in width, and from ten to twelve inches of the ore averages between $75 and $100 to the ton in gold.

From present indications the property will be in the position to make regular shipments within a very short time.

The air compressor is to be started again very soon and every effort in the world will be used to take out as much ore as possible.

After the expiration of the present leases, the company will work the property. That information has been given out definitely.

Not so very long ago the Gold King property adjoining, made overtures to the Rebecca company to lease the C. O. D.

The Monitor, adjoining the C. O. D., and owned by W. S. Stratton, is under lease and is being worked through the C. O. D. shaft. Sometime ago a good body of ore was encountered in the property but how it runs at present cannot be learned.

So that they could more profitably work the property through their shaft, but the Rebecca company would not consider any proposition whatever, so the present lessees know that they must take out all the ore possible from the workings during the life of their lease.

The property is located almost with in the corporate limits of the city and lies between the Gold King and Abe Lincoln.

The stock of the company is held principally in Paris.

It was sold for an enormous sum to the Frenchmen and right after the sale, was closed down.

At one time the mine was troubled with water to such an extent that the greatest cost of operation was in pumping and in the bottom of the shaft a large station was cut and one of the largest and costliest pumping plants in the state was installed.

Immediately after the installation of the pumping plant, the water disappeared and since then there has hardly been enough water to fill the boilers to make steam for hoisting and so far as the compressors are concerned, it will cost all of $300 a month for water to run it.

With the C. O. D. starting up and a few of the properties that W. S. Stratton has recently purchased in Poverty gulch, that section of the camp will be as of yore and have the life that all wish to see there.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 06.02.2022 (21:07:44)
Above Info was First Seen 06.02.2022
Type/Category of Info:
Mine Info
Info Source From:
Colorado State Mining Directory 1898; Buyer's Guide to Representative Mining Machinery and Supply Houses of America. Info Publication Date:
1898Info found on page:
191Info Title:
C. O. D. Mine (Poverty Gulch)
Principal Producing Cripple Creek Mines - 1898:

Name: C. O. D. Mine (Poverty Gulch)

Owner: Rebecca Gold Mining Co. (Ltd.)









Description: two shafts, 250 feet and 325 feet; steam; two 120-borse power, 1 80-horse power and one 45-horse power horizontal boilers; 75-horse power double flat friction hoist, and 10x14 cylinder hoist; five pumps.

Employes: twelve employe's


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Above Info was Last Updated on 24.03.2024 (09:01:02)
Above Info was First Seen 09.04.2011
Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
The Colliery Engineer and Metal Miner. Volume: 17 [XVII], Issue No. 11Info Publication Date:
June 1897Info found on page:
482Info Title:
C. O. D. Ore-Shoot Description
In the C. O. D. the ore-shoot is 125 feet long, pitching south with slickensided walls.
Notes/Text been Edited:
Abstracted, partly restructured from source Article about Ore-Shoots in Cripple CreekInternet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 30.10.2020 (11:04:30)
Above Info was First Seen 27.06.2019
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Buena Vista Herald. Volume: 13 [XIII], Issue No. 52Info Publication Date:
April 28, 1894Info found on page:
1Info Title:
C.O.D Mine Still Ships Regularly
The C.O.D. mine is one of the prominent mines who still ships regularly, even when the labor troubles in the camp continues and greatly interfering with the output of the Cripple Creek district.
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Abstracted and partly rewritten from source text.Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 10.10.2021 (18:51:24)
Above Info was First Seen 29.05.2021
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Colorado Democrat. Volume: 21 [XXI], Issue No. 23Info Publication Date:
June 7, 1893Info found on page:
1Info Title:
C. O. D. Strike Reported
A good strike is reported in the C. O. D. property in Poverty gulch, Cripple Creek, Colo. Some ten days ago a shaft through the wash for twenty-five feet came upon a seam of good mineral.

When first found it proved to be two and a half feet wide. In sinking a strong vein has been opened up, with walls well and distinctly outlined.

The distance is three and a half feet between walls and it is all good ore. Assays from $60 to $750 have been had. In this ten feet of development a car load has been taken out ready for shipment that goes $100 a ton.

A ten-inch seam in the vein is worth thirty-five cents a pound, as shown by a number of careful tests. The gold is fine and thoroughly diffused throughout this vein , filling from the strike of them, as indicated by the present exploitation.

It extends for 750 feet within the lines of the C. O. D.—Denver News.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 10.01.2024 (17:29:55)
Above Info was First Seen 18.01.2011
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Daily Chronicle {Aspen]. Volume: 5 [V], Issue No. 274Info Publication Date:
May 29, 1893Info found on page:
1Info Title:
C.O.D. With Biggest Find of the Season
[Telegraph]—C. O. D. is a property located in Poverty gulch that only the other day was turned down as barren and worthless. Today it records the biggest find of the season. Demonstrating the fact that below Globe hill and northeast of town, there is at least one well defined vein of handsome pay.

Some ten days ago a shaft through the wash for twenty-five feet came upon a seam of good mineral. When first found, it proved to be two and a half feet wide. In sinking ten feet on the ore a strong vein has been opened up, with walls well and distinctly outlined. The distance is three and a half feet between the walls and it is all good ore.

Assays from $60 to $750 have been had. In this ten feet of development a car load has been taken out, ready for shipment, that goes $100 a ton. There is no other claim that can show a record anywhere to compare with this.

A ten inch seam in the vein is 35 cents a pound, as shown by a number of careful tests. The gold is fine and thoroughly diffused throughout this vein filling, which is rather out of the common, as in most instances the gold lies between small seams and in bunches.

Such is the development that the C.O. D. records at this time.

When the Gold King stopped work Poverty gulch was given out as a back number and that a better name could not have been selected for that immediate locality. The knowing ones quite generally agreed that it was so. Now, exactly in the bottom of the gulch, where nothing but disappointment and poverty—1000 fine—were to be found, the best discovery of the season, as it promises today, is brought to light.

The C.O.D. is a patented claim, belonging to the C.O.D. company, which is incorporated with 500,000 shares. The stock has been selling of late from one and a half to two and this find ought to make it jump upward in a handsome way. Here is another illustration of the manner and suddenness apparently worthless stocks become of value.

Manager Charles L. Tutt was the locator of the claim and under his direction last season a shaft was put down 160 feet and from the bottom eighty feet of drifts were run without finding mineral in pay quantity.

The present find is a considerable distance down the gulch from the original workings. From the strike of the vein, as indicated by the present exploitations, it extends for 750 feet within the lines of the C.O.D.

P. E. C. Burke, a well known mining man of Aspen, is in charge of affairs at the mine and is entitled to a large share of the credit of the discovery of which there will be many chapters more to relate.
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Slightly rewritten start from source text.Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 26.07.2023 (08:08:30)
Above Info was First Seen 16.08.2009