The Cripple Creek Trip<br>Through the Heart of the Rockies into the Land of Gold

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The Cripple Creek Trip
Through the Heart of the Rockies into the Land of Gold

This folder has one loose page, the front has separated from the rest of the paper strips which folds out into a long strip of paper. The Front image at bottom is marked with The Williamson-Haffner Engraving Co., Denver which I assume is the one who did the image work. Inside a piece of text reference a F.C. Matthews, who is the General Passenger Agent for the Short Line at the time of printing of this folder.

The Folder it self deals mainly with sights along the Short Line and some info, but there is a couple of views from inside the District.

I hope you enjoy these pictures, it was a joy when I got this years back, and I love that I am able to share it here for all to see/find :-)

Enjoy this little trip back to yesterday!

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This page Copyright [©] 2016 by Linda Irene Tingvik
(Pictures might have different copyrights - see album copyrights)
Created by Linda Irene Tingvik on 08.04.2016