General/Base Info:
Last Chance Placer [aka Major-Laughrey or Major-Loughrey]
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down on the page. Sorry to have wasted your time/ear to listen to this, I was just trying to get a layout work like I wanted.
Info Last updated: 10.02.2020 (22:53:11)
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
10.10.1898 (Date of Amended Location)
Copper Mountain
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
  • Joseph Major ( Info From Claim/Survey Map )
  • et al. (and Others) ( Info From Claim/Survey Map )
Fate details:
Owned by:
  • Joseph Major
    -> 1898-12-31 [claim Map]
  • Major-Loughrey Gold Mining and Milling Company
    -> 1900 [reported As Owner]
Known claims:
  • Last Chance Placer - 12895
Claim Links:
Location Claim Description:
Patented Date:
Mineral Certificate No.:
General Land Office No.:
Known Transportation Connection:
    Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:
    Vertical Shaft & Adit/Tunnel
    Known Producing Info:
    General notes:
    The Major-Loughrey seems to have been the company, but as this claim was part of that company and I seen a report of the Major-Laughrey shipping I take a chance and claim this as another name for this mine...
    graphic for visual presentation of text The claim map of the Last Chance Placer is an somewhat interesting map. A tiny bit of Spring creek is drawn in at the southwest. There is a Pit shown in the west, a Trench further southeast, and about where the tunnel from the Grand Review is I see a Cabin, a Blacksmith-shop and a Shaft. South from there I see a second Shaft, a third Shaft and a fourth Shaft.
    graphic for visual presentation of text The most confusing part is that when comparing this to the placer claims south of it, I a see a second location of Spring creek, making this map a little off perhaps…