This page has a total of 3 images, as of 17.04.2024 (11:36:32).
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Media Info Last Updated:
12.11.2021 (11:54:50)
Title on Image:
Lower Gold Hill with Ophelia Tunnel at Its Base, Railroads and Pointer Mine Up Left Near Top.
Photographer [Date]:
This view of lower Gold Hill is interesting in several ways as it shows several mines and three railroad lines.

* At bottom front is the Ophelia Tunnel seen, also later known as Moffat tunnel, or also known as the Gold Exploration tunnel, with its large crib wall and big power plant and tunnel house.

* Above the Ophelia is seen first the roadbed of the 3-foot narrow gauge F. & C.C with a trestle at left-hand side and a fill near right hand-side where a trestle used to be.

* Further up the hill then come the standard gauge M.T. railroad, with a trestle near right-hand side, which was later filled in and is today known as the ''Million Dollar Fill.''

* Near upper left is the roadbed of the Low Line, it enters into a large cutting somewhere left of the Pointer mine, sadly I am unable to pick out that cut and it has puzzled me for years why I can't see it.

* Near upper left is also the Pointer mine structures, and by looking at the PPLD view at 100% one can actually read the name Pointer on the ore-house of this mine and Pointer Mine on their shaft house!

* Just uphill, behind the Pointer, is another mine, they appear to have a head frame in front of their hoist house, I think that would be the Keystone Mine, but I am not certain. It could be a shaft on the Independence claim as that actually fits better with a claim map and a shaft on that, but I still think this mine would been known as Keystone.

* Left of the Pointer mine, up top at edge of view, there is the mine I know as Index Mine, but I also seen it as the Mint Mine before the Index mine came along, and possible this might been known as Keystone, Irish Molly or Goddard in early days as I think it is on one of those claims. This is before they built the large ore-house along the side-spur of the Short Line, branching off from the Low Line behind the hill so to speak.

* Also left of the Pointer, further down from the Index, is what I believe a structure on the Red Spruce, a small shed like, possible a hoist house, on the upper of two small dumps just above the M.T. roadbed.

* Just right off the Pointer mine is the structures of the Maggie No. 2 mine, the dump of the Pointer almost seems to engulf the small triangular head frame they seem to have on their property.

* Almost middle of view sideways, uphill from the Ophelia tunnel structure, there is a mine structure between the F. & C.C. and M.T. mainlines, quite a big head frame, hoist house and shed, water-tank and smokestack so more than a prospect type of mine operation. But I have a hard time placing it on a claim map and find a name for it, as it could on both the Puzzle & Bird claims. Possible others crossing same area, but for now I think it is the Puzzle mine structures.

—> There are more structures, but I am not able to decode things better at the moment.

I did procure the colored version of this image, if that is what you see. Source was gray-toned, or in common speech black & white. Used an online service and tweaked and worked with image to get what looks best to my eyes at the moment.
Image Note:
From page 241 in the Official Souvenir of the Fifteenth General Assembly, found through Internet Archive.Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- page 241; Official Souvenir of the Fifteenth General Assembly - Published in 1905.
Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#70]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
25.02.2017 (11:04:40)
Title on Image:
Pointer Mine, Showing Shaft, Dump & Ore House.
Photographer [Date]:
View is from near the Low Line grade around Gold hill.
Image Note:
My Collection; From page 51 in a 1979 reprint of The Fortunes of a Decade, October 1900.Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- page 51; The Fortunes of a Decade by Sargent & Rohrabacher for the Evening Telegraph - Published in 1900.
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#4]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
25.02.2017 (11:04:35)
Title on Image:
The Mint & Pointer Mines on Gold Hill.
Photographer [Date]:
View of the Ore House and Shaft house of the Pointer Mine in foreground, with the Index Mine (former known as the Mint mine) in the left background. Between them is the Low Line roadbed.
Image Note:
My Collection; From page 30 in Seeing Cripple Creek, Januar 1904 (Vol. 2, No. 2).Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- Page 30; Seeing Cripple Creek; January 1904 - Published in 1904.
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#3]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: