General/Base Info:
Mary McKinney Mine
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Info Last updated: 18.02.2023 (20:58:48)
Card has a bad curve to it making it a little bit hard to scan as it will not lay flat. It also has lot of scratches and damages from time can be seen, but I've managed to get this cropped view of the massive Mary McKinney Mine structures!
While this image is copyrighted 1901 it can't have been photographed that year as there were no sign of the Low Line grade which was built in 1900, also, an email friend told me that the F. &. C.C. Boxcars and the 4-6-0 locomotive was starting to get delivered from April 1899, hence this view has a narrow timeframe to it. This due to for me one of the most compelling evidences for it not being a 1901 or even a 1900 age image is the fact there is just no signs of the Mary McKinney crib-wall along the F. & C.C. roadbed, which is just below the bottom edge of this cropped view here, as the cribbing here is much closer to the mine structure itself. This due to me having a photograph with the Low Line roadbed without tracks on them, with that crib-wall further down the hill, and as tracks on the Low Line reached Victor by September 7, 1900 I have a timespan for a little over a year only for this view to have been taken, hence, I think Summer 1899 as a baseline, but if you know better, please let me know!Mary McKinney Mine; Cropped From Anaconda, Colorado, the Centre of the Cripple Creek Gold Mining District. [Copyright 1901 by R.Y. Young]
Photo by: R.Y. Young (?) [189?]
My Collection; Stereoviews, cropped & enhanced from a 1200dpi scan of the left-hand side of the card.
Media ID: 218
This is a cropped view of an image showing the great Mary McKinney mine in Anaconda with lot of railroad traffic in front of. It shows the business side of the mine in terms of where the coal is brought in for power the mine, and where ore is taken away. Both in and out uses boxcars, the power plant is seen at lower right, with a string of boxcars in front of it. Further on another 3 boxcars are put up to load ore from the mine plant itself, along a spur that used to be dual gauged as both the M.T and the F. & C.C. used this spur to serve this mine. After the closing of the narrow gauge this spur was used to get access down to the El Paso mine way outside the view to the left. Town of Anaconda would have been down the valley at right.Mary McKinney Mine at Anaconda, Colorado.
Photo by: William H. Lehr [aka Bill Lehr]
My Collection; Cropped and sharpen; From a Postcard type of folder named The Greatest Gold Camp on Earth. Souvenir Folding Card of Cripple Creek District.
Media ID: 75
   This is a great view of the massive Shaft Structure of the Mary McKinney Mine, here marked as Mary McKinney Mining Company, but one also see part of their Coal House at the right-hand side. Looking at the structure it has had some years to it as the roof is starting to look not that nice.
   Of other things to mentioned, the Ore-House of the Anaconda Mine is visible just in from right-hand side and about halfway up from bottom, with the until not too many years ago still standing Blacksmith Structure partly visible behind it and covered much by the smokestack of the Coal House of the Mary McKinney.
   The Roadbed of the Midland Terminal is also just behind the Anaconda Orehouse, while the Low Line roadbed can be seen just down from the top in upper right area. In the foreground some M.T. railroad Gondola cars are visible.Mary McKinney Mine
Photo by: Unknown
My Collection; straightened, enhanced, cropped & Scaled down from my 1200dpi postcard scan.
Media ID: 343
A view in Squaw Gulch towards the huge dump of the Mary McKinney Mine who's structure is popping up behind the dump, against the backdrop of Raven Hill with still a couple of mine ruins standing here and there. Image is marked to be from the 1920's, and in lower left it is still visible some flat parts, like terraces, from structures in the former town of Anaconda.
   I did procure the colored version of this image, if that is what you see, as I think it is nicer. Source is gray-toned, or in common speech black & white. Used an online service and tweaked and worked with image to get what looks best to my eyes for the moment.#M-467; Near Cripple Creek, Colo. 1920's | Mary McKinney Huge Dump Scene
Photo by: Unknown
My Collection; Postcards; Colored; twisted; cropped 300dpi scan. I did procure the colored version of this image.
Media ID: 531
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
07.04.1892 (Date of Amended Location Certificate)
Guyot / Raven Hill
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
    Destroyed in Open Pit
    Fate details:
    Owned by:
    • Mary McKinney Mining Company
      -> 1892-08-12 [claim Map]
    • Frank F. Castello
      -> 1892-08-12 [claim Map]
    • Jahn S. Houghtore
      -> 1892-08-12 [claim Map]
    • Hattore L. Houghtore
      -> 1892-08-12 [claim Map]
    Known claims:
    • Mary McKinney lode - 7499
    • Republic lode - 7499
    Claim Links:
    Location Claim Description:
    Patented Date:
    Mineral Certificate No.:
    General Land Office No.:
    Known Transportation Connection:
      Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:

      Known Producing Info:
      July 1910 shipped 650 tons, averaging $18 per ton.
      General notes:
      The well known Mary McKinney Mine structures are located on the Republic lode claim