This page has a total of 2 images, as of 17.04.2024 (11:36:32).
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Media Info Last Updated:
05.11.2021 (07:40:45)
Title on Image:
The Elkton Consolidated M. & M. Co. Mine
Photographer [Date]:
O.E. Masters
I wish this was a better photo but sadly being from a printed source this version of this shot by photographer O. E. Masters is not very good, taken from the New Year 1903 issue of the newspaper Cripple Creek Times, but it is what I have and it appeared in what is more an advertisement text feel then an actual article about the company.

View is of the more 'modern' version of the Elkton mine structures, with both part of the town of Elkton and Raven Gold Mining Company works visible, as in the shaft house up on the hill in the background, consolidated with the Elkton mine in 1900 as per info in Hill's Manual of June 1900.

I did procure the colored version of this image. Source was greyish, or in common speech black & white. Used an online service and tweaked and worked with image to get what looks best to my eyes at the moment.
Image Note:
My Collection; From page 63 in the 1903 New Year issue of Cripple Creek Times. I did procure the colored version of this image. Source was grayish, or in common speech black & white. Used an online service and tweaked and worked with image to get what looks best to my eyes at the moment.Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- Page 63; The Cripple Creek Times; New Years 1903 - Published in 1903.
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#427]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
27.09.2021 (11:20:25)
Title on Image:
View Elkton Mine and Raven Mine
Photographer [Date]:
In foreground left is part of the older Elkton Mine Shaft House, and I think the foreground right structure is the Office. Some houses of Elkton climb Raven Hill, and then the large Ore-house of the Raven Gold Mining Company is seen. Not much else to share at this moment, still not scanned the image, this is from an inverted preview on eBay from when I bought this Glass-Plate negative.
Image Note:
My Collection; Photographs, glass plate negative.Copyright Notice:
As I own the glass plate negative, I have the physical ownership to this view.Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#380]
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