General/Base Info:
Van Fleet Sampler & Mill [aka Gold Ore Sampler]
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Info Last updated: 29.03.2024 (20:35:09)
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
Goldfield / Battle Mountain
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
    Dismantled / Removed
    Fate details:
    By november 1910 this Structure is nomore. It was reported in Mining Science issue of 24.11.1910 that it has been dismantled and removed in both machinery and structure it self - see Mining News to read source.
    Owned by:
    • Gold Ore Company
      -> 1898-xx-xx [reported as Owner]
    • Globe Reduction Company
      -> 1904-xx-xx [Reported Operating the Mill]
    • B.G. Granville
      -> Seen Name Linked to Entity
    Known claims:
      Location Claim Description:
      Patented Date:
      Mineral Certificate No.:
      General Land Office No.:
      Known Transportation Connection:
        Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:
        Cyanidation Mill
        Known Producing Info:
        General notes:
        In April 1898 it is reported that recently Mr. Van Fleet purchased this sampler which until recently was known as the Gold Ore sampler. From Sanborn Fire Insurance Map Sheet 9 for Victor 1900 this Sampler is named The Miners Co-Operative Sampling & Ore Co.
        graphic for visual presentation of text Later in April 1903 it is reported to be converted into a Cyanide Mill, in June 1903 I seen it references as the Globe Mill.
        graphic for visual presentation of text-> In 1907 this mill was leased by B. G. Granville