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Republic Lode
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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 10)
Type/Category of Info:
Abstracts of Official Reports
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 61 [LXI], Issue No. 1568
Info Publication Date:
February 17, 1910
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Western Investment Co. Happenings
The Western Investment Co., operating the main shaft and workings of the Mary McKinney Mining Co. on the Republic claim, shipped 725 tons in January, with a gross bullion value of $18,125. This ore was chiefly mined from the main Mary McKinney vein, northeast of the shaft at the bottom of the 650-ft. level.
graphic for visual presentation of text Shipments were also made during the month from the Howard shaft on the Mary McKinney on Gold hill, and the Pressler and Burch shafts on Raven hill, located about the center of the two adjoining claims.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 15.04.2023 (23:25:55)
Above Info was First Seen 27.06.2010

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 58 [LVIII], Issue No. 1
Info Publication Date:
July 2, 1908
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Western Investment Co. Leased Mary McKinney
The Western Investment Co., which recently took a two years' lease on the Mary McKinney Cons. G. M. Co.'s property, has taken possession and will operate through the main shaft on the Republic.
graphic for visual presentation of text This property comprises about 34 acres of ground on the most desirable portion of Raven hill. This will not include the holdings of the Anaconda Co. on the south slope of Gold hill.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 20.03.2023 (12:31:19)
Above Info was First Seen 13.06.2010

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Morning Times. Volume: 6 [VI], Issue No. 95
Info Publication Date:
August 30, 1898
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Rich Strike in Republic Change Things
graphic for visual presentation of text—————————
graphic for visual presentation of textWILL WORK ON.
graphic for visual presentation of text—————————
graphic for visual presentation of textRich Strike in the Republic Stops All Thought of Quitting.
graphic for visual presentation of text Some days ago a statement went the rounds of the press to the effect that the Johnston lease on the Republic of the Mary McKinney company was about to be abandoned.
graphic for visual presentation of text The reason were that the terms of the lease call for ten feet of sinking every month, and the ore in the upper levels was thought to be pretty well worked out.
graphic for visual presentation of text The water was growing troublesome, and the life of the lease was so short that it would hardly pay to sink for another lift. Now all this has changed.
graphic for visual presentation of text Saturday night the drills broke into a big body of very rich ore, and the lessees at once set about putting the shaft down in order to fulfill the terms of the lease.
graphic for visual presentation of text Yesterday the required ten feet were completed, and it is needless to say that the lease will be worked to the last minute of its life.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 10.10.2021 (18:51:24)
Above Info was First Seen 09.04.2021

Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
The Morning Times. Volume: 5 [V], Issue No. 321
Info Publication Date:
April 26, 1898
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Johnston Lease on Republic Reaches Tunnel
graphic for visual presentation of text—————————
graphic for visual presentation of textCONNECTIONS MADE.
graphic for visual presentation of text—————————
graphic for visual presentation of textTunnel Level Now United With the 210-Foot Level.
graphic for visual presentation of text Connections have been made between the lower level of the Johnston lease of the Republic, and the drift at the tunnel level. This means better ventilation, and eventually the employment of a much larger force, and a consequent increase of the mine's output.
graphic for visual presentation of text Next month the lessees will begin sinking for another level, and this will still further increase the capacity of the mine, which is now something like fifteen tons a day.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 10.10.2021 (18:51:24)
Above Info was First Seen 01.02.2021

Type/Category of Info:
Company Info
Info Source From:
Colorado State Mining Directory 1898; Buyer's Guide to Representative Mining Machinery and Supply Houses of America.
Info Publication Date:
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Mary McKinney Mining Co. Properties
Principal Producing Cripple Creek Mines - 1898:
graphic for visual presentation of text
graphic for visual presentation of textName:
graphic for visual presentation of textOwner: Mary McKinney Mining Co.
graphic for visual presentation of textCapital:
graphic for visual presentation of textPresident: F. F. Costello
graphic for visual presentation of textVice-President:
graphic for visual presentation of textSecretary: A. C. Van Cott, Colorado Springs
graphic for visual presentation of textTreasurer:
graphic for visual presentation of textSuperintendent:
graphic for visual presentation of textManager:
graphic for visual presentation of textLessees:
graphic for visual presentation of textDescription:
graphic for visual presentation of textEmployes:
graphic for visual presentation of textContact:
graphic for visual presentation of textNotes: own Mary McKinney and Republic mines; leased.
Notes/Text been Edited:
Changed from sentence form
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 28.03.2024 (11:44:56)
Above Info was First Seen 11.04.2011

Type/Category of Info:
Mine Info
Info Source From:
Colorado State Mining Directory 1898; Buyer's Guide to Representative Mining Machinery and Supply Houses of America.
Info Publication Date:
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Mary McKinney Mine
Principal Producing Cripple Creek Mines - 1898:
graphic for visual presentation of text
graphic for visual presentation of textName: Mary McKinney Mine (Gold Hill)
graphic for visual presentation of textOwner: Mary McKinney Mining Co.
graphic for visual presentation of textCapital:
graphic for visual presentation of textPresident: F. F. Costello
graphic for visual presentation of textVice-President:
graphic for visual presentation of textSecretary: A. C. Van Cott, Colorado Springs
graphic for visual presentation of textTreasurer:
graphic for visual presentation of textSuperintendent:
graphic for visual presentation of textManager: Lessees 1.
graphic for visual presentation of text Lessees 2. J. E. Beich, Anaconda
graphic for visual presentation of textLessees: 1. Thomas Kenny et al., Anaconda
graphic for visual presentation of text 2. Jersey Gold Mining and Leasing Co.
graphic for visual presentation of textDescription: Lessees 1. 100-foot shaft; windlass.
graphic for visual presentation of text Lessees 2. shafts; 70-horse power boiler; 7x10 quadruple friction hoist; Deane pump.
graphic for visual presentation of textEmployes:
graphic for visual presentation of textContact:
graphic for visual presentation of textNotes:
Notes/Text been Edited:
Changed from sentence form
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 28.03.2024 (11:56:35)
Above Info was First Seen 11.04.2011

Type/Category of Info:
Mine Info
Info Source From:
Colorado State Mining Directory 1898; Buyer's Guide to Representative Mining Machinery and Supply Houses of America.
Info Publication Date:
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Republic Tunnel Mine
Principal Producing Cripple Creek Mines - 1898:
graphic for visual presentation of text
graphic for visual presentation of textName: Republic Mine (Anaconda)
graphic for visual presentation of textOwner: Mary McKinney Mining Co.
graphic for visual presentation of textCapital:
graphic for visual presentation of textPresident:
graphic for visual presentation of textVice-President:
graphic for visual presentation of textSecretary:
graphic for visual presentation of textTreasurer:
graphic for visual presentation of textSuperintendent:
graphic for visual presentation of textManager: J. B. Bell
graphic for visual presentation of textLessees: Johnson et al.
graphic for visual presentation of textDescription: tunnel
graphic for visual presentation of textEmployes: thirty employes.
graphic for visual presentation of textContact:
graphic for visual presentation of textNotes:
Notes/Text been Edited:
Changed from sentence form
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 29.03.2024 (07:54:54)
Above Info was First Seen 11.04.2011

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Morning Times. Volume: 5 [V], Issue No. 116
Info Publication Date:
September 2, 1897
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Republic; Johnson Lease
Johnson Lease Making Heavy High Grade Shipments.
graphic for visual presentation of text
graphic for visual presentation of text Superintendent J. B. Bell returned yesterday from Denver and resumed his work as manager of the Johnson lease on the Republic. He expects to make the output of the property much higher even that it has heretofore been.
graphic for visual presentation of text Ore is now being taken from the tunnel as fast as the teams can haul it. Two cars were loaded yesterday, and to-morrow a car of high grade ore will be sent out.
graphic for visual presentation of text Mr. Bell predicts that September will be the banner month for the Johnson lease. The misunderstanding between Mr. Bell and some of the Mary McKinney company has been amicably adjusted, and he will retain the management of the property.
Above Info was Last Updated on 15.04.2021 (11:53:13)
Above Info was First Seen 09.02.2019

Type/Category of Info:
Legal Notices
Info Source From:
The Morning Times. Volume: 5 [V], Issue No. 116
Info Publication Date:
September 2, 1897
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Republic; J.B. Bell Workings
graphic for visual presentation of textDenver, Colo. Aug. 26, 1897.
graphic for visual presentation of textTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
graphic for visual presentation of text Notice is hereby given that J.B. Bell has no authority to represent us in any manner in the working and operation of a certain lease on 700 feet of the Republic lode mining claim, situated on Guyot hill, in Cripple Creek mining district, El Paso county, Colorado, from the Mary McKinney Mining Company as lessor, to the undersigned as lessees, and that we will not be responsible for any debts or liabilities occurred by said Bell, in the working of said premises.
graphic for visual presentation of text
graphic for visual presentation of textW.A. Johnston
graphic for visual presentation of textA.H. Branch
graphic for visual presentation of textF.W. Herbert
Found this exact text used in the following Publications:
  • The Morning Times, Cripple Creek, Colo., Thursday, September 2, 1897.
  • The Morning Times, Cripple Creek, Colo., Saturday, September 4, 1897.
Above Info was Last Updated on 30.10.2020 (11:04:30)
Above Info was First Seen 12.02.2019

Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
The Herald Democrat. Volume: 13 [XIII]
Info Publication Date:
March 19, 1892
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Republic With Good Indications of Mineral
A two days' jaunt on horseback took me from Rhyolite hill, on the north, to Grouse mountain, on the south, and from Pisgah, on the west, to Wilson creek, on the east, within which boundaries some four thousand claims have been located.
graphic for visual presentation of text The greater part of those have nothing more than the assessment work done upon them, and in many instances, this has been so indifferently done, and with such an utter abandon and disregard of the statues, that they cannot be held for a moment to comply with the legal requirements.
graphic for visual presentation of text But, in traversing Ennis, Globe, Gold, Bull, Tenderfoot, Womack, Mineral and a score or more of hills in the district, sources of Cripple, Wilson, Requa, Squaw and other water courses, I came upon scores of properties that were being developed with more or less vigor and intelligence, some with tunnels or inclines, others with shafts or open cuts, and the owners of each full of hope and expectations.
graphic for visual presentation of text Among those having already good indications of mineral was the Republic lode claim in Squaw Gulch.
Notes/Text been Edited:
Abstracted and somewhat rewritten from source article dealing with the District, by C. C. Davis
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 14.01.2024 (23:39:02)
Above Info was First Seen 19.01.2011