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Robert Burns Mill-Site
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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 1)
Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
The Cripple Creek Times. Issue No. 1
Info Publication Date:
January 1, 1903
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Robert Burns Mining Company
Good Prospective Mining Territory Controlled by The Reed Investment Co. of Colorado Springs


In the early part of the year 1901 The Reed Investment Company, of which Mr. Verner Z. Reed is president and O. H. Shoup secretary, adopted a policy of working the properties which they controlled by the leasing system.

They were among the first to inaugurate a longer time lease with a lower royalty, so that on all the properties which they control, there has been active development work carried on during the past year by lessees.

The Robert Burns Mining company own the Robert Burns lode and mill site located on Guyot hill and the Jay Bird and the Maid claims located on Bull hill. During the past year the Jack Martin Leasing company has been actively developing the Robert Burns claim.

They began their work where the company stopped some time ago, when their treasury funds gave out, and have continued the drift in a southerly direction for over 350 feet, expecting to cut some of the dykes and leads known to exist in that section. In doing this work they have employed on an average of four men a day.

The leasing company seem well pleased with their showing and expect to encounter pay ore within a reasonable time. On the Bull hill properties of this company there is a lease in operation. The recent strike on the War Eagle claim is not far from the company's property.

Notes/Text been Edited:
Abstracted and slightly rewritten from source text.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 11.10.2021 (21:04:55)
Above Info was First Seen 09.09.2021