General/Base Info:
Ireland Placer Lode
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Info Last updated: 30.10.2021 (07:11:41)
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
Poverty Gulch / Womack Hill
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
    Fate details:
    Owned by:
    • Jasper Ireland
      -> 1895-11-18 [claim Map]
    • Fred Spratt
      -> 1895-11-18 [claim Map]
    • Stratton Cripple Creek Mining and Development Company
      -> 1903-01-01 [reported As Owner]
    Known claims:
    • Ireland Placer lode - 9866
    Claim Links:
    Location Claim Description:
    Patented Date:
    Mineral Certificate No.:
    General Land Office No.:
    Known Transportation Connection:
      Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:

      Known Producing Info:
      General notes:
      Plat Map is another one that shows part of the structures that lined Poverty Gulch at one time, it has a shaft house marked out, several shafts, three roads is crossing and Poverty Gulch it self is marked out as a gulch, there is even a cut/adit shown at the Abe Lincoln claim.
      graphic for visual presentation of text The Amended Plat Map has lost most of the ground to other claims, including the shaft house which appears to be on the ground of a Lucky Bill claim.