General/Base Info:
Sans Pareil lode [aka Major-Laughrey or Major-Loughrey]
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Info Last updated: 10.02.2020 (22:53:11)
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
28.09.1898 (Date of Amended Location)
Copper Mountain
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
  • Joseph Major ( Info From Claim/Survey Map )
  • et al. (and Others) ( Info From Claim/Survey Map )
Fate details:
Owned by:
  • Joseph Major
    -> 1898-12-31 [claim Map]
  • Major-Loughrey Gold Mining and Milling Company
    -> 1900 [reported As Owner]
Known claims:
  • Sans Pareil lode - 12838
Claim Links:
Location Claim Description:
Patented Date:
Mineral Certificate No.:
General Land Office No.:
Known Transportation Connection:
    Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:
    Vertical Shaft & Adit/Tunnel
    Known Producing Info:
    General notes:
    The Major-Loughrey seems to have been the company, but as this claim was part of that company and I seen a report of the Major-Laughrey shipping I take a chance and claim this as another name for this mine...
    graphic for visual presentation of text The claim map of the Sans Pareil is an intertangled mass of claims, but the part shown on the claim Plat that I would say is this claim is showing a Discovery Shaft about 2/3 east from the west edge of the claim. There is a second Shaft and a third Shaft quite a distance north and west from it, almost at the edge of the ground lost to the Carnival claim. Also a Trench and a second Trench is shown in the area around the discovery shaft, in addition a small Adit or Tunnel as both is marked same location where the claim meets the Carnival and the New Year claims.
    graphic for visual presentation of text In addition, there is marked a Cabin northeast of the discovery shaft, so overall, lot of happenings at this and the neighbor claims of the same people.