General/Base Info:
Wild Horse Mine
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Info Last updated: 21.04.2022 (07:49:54)
Due to the source being a print-type of postcard, and being less than half sized of a normal postcard, red-inked, the base quality of the view was limiting what I could get out of it, but this view from west side of the Wild Horse Shaft House is still a great one as it is a rare view, and one I hope to find as a photograph in good quality one day! I have a cropped edition of this view in another printed source also.
   Regarding the scene, there are three ore-cars at a dump that is growing and a fourth is standing alone further to the right. The Shaft House has a Horse painted on it together with the name 'Wild' above the horse drawing and 'Consolidated G. M. Co.' below the horse drawing – quite cool! The whole structure is a long narrow one, with the Electric Hoist House at the right-hand side and the Ore House at the left-hand side.
   Being this was used on a postcard stamped July 17, 1902, this pic must be from not later than early July 1902 as it takes time to prepare a postcard print batch with engraving an all. But it is to me impossible to date it further, all I can say is this scene fits the look drawn on a 1900 Sanborn Fire Insurance map, making it possible also to be a late 1899 or 1900 photograph.
   I did procure the colored version of this image. Source was red-toned, or in common speech black & white. Used an online service and tweaked and worked with image to get what looks best to my eyes for the moment.West Side of the Wild Horse Mine on Bull Hill
Photo by: Unknown
My Collection; Postcards. Straighten, Cropped, Enhanced, Colored view from my 720dpi scan. I did procure the colored version of this image.
Media ID: 447
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
Bull Hill
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
    Destroyed in Open Pit
    Fate details:
    Owned by:
    • D.A. McKay
      -> 1894-01-05 [claim Map]
    • et al. (and Others)
      -> 1894-01-05 [claim Map]
    • United Gold Mines Company
      -> 1906-00-00 [reported As Owner]
    • Golden Cycle Mining Company
      -> 1906-00-00 [reported As Owner]
    Known claims:
    • Wild Horse lode - 8642
    Claim Links:
    Location Claim Description:
    Patented Date:
    Mineral Certificate No.:
    General Land Office No.:
    Known Transportation Connection:
      Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:

      Known Producing Info:
      General notes: