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April Fool Lode
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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 1)
Type/Category of Info:
Mining Inquiries
Info Source From:
United States Investor. Volume: 11 [XI], Issue No. 50
Info Publication Date:
December 15, 1900
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Illigan Leasing Co. Inquiry
Illigan Leasing Co.
graphic for visual presentation of text 5555. (Springfield, Mass.) I wish you would look up the Illigan Leasing Co. and report on it in your paper. They are working leases on the April Fool and Big Mike claims on Squaw Mountain and have acquired control of the stock of the Big Mike Co. N. E. Guyot, address Cripple Creek Club, Cripple Creek, Colo., owner or at least president Kentucky Belle mine, is one of the officers.
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graphic for visual presentation of text Ans.: This company is capitalized at 2,000 shares of ten dollars ($10) each, of which 1,000 shares are being offered at par, payable in monthly installments of one dollar ($1) each.
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graphic for visual presentation of text Mr. Lute H. Johnson, the secretary and treasurer of the company, writes our Colorado correspondent as follows:
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graphic for visual presentation of text "The company owns no ground and is strictly a leasing company, using all money received in the operation of leases. No officers are paid and there is no expense except what is paid out for labor and supplies. We have a lease on the Big Mike Co., and an option on a control of the stock and have other territory leased. We work only what looks good to us. We are going to give everybody a square deal who goes in with us."
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graphic for visual presentation of text Our Colorado correspondent says that he has known Mr. Lute H. Johnson well and favorably almost since the beginning of Cripple Creek, during the whole of which time Mr. Johnson has acted as the Cripple Creek correspondent of the Denver "Republican." Mr. Johnson's daily duties in that capacity necessitate his knowing every hole in the ground in the camp, in addition to which he has had practical mining experience.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 05.03.2024 (08:34:27)
Above Info was First Seen 05.03.2024