Last updated: 14 June, 2022 10:22
Mining-Stock Exchanges of Colorado Springs Quotations 1899 & 1900

1901 (around January)
(page 656->659)
The Manual of Statistics. Stock Exchange Handbook

Source had no images, so I reused one from my collection.


Mining Stock Exchange, Colorado Springs.
Mining Stock Exchange, Colorado Springs.

Mining Stocks—Colorado Springs.

Quotations for all mining shares dealt in on the Colorado Springs Mining Exchange in 1899 and 1900, with character, location, capital and par values of shares.

Companies. Type Location Par of
Capital 1899
Acacia Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.45 0.30375
Alamo Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000 0.20 0.05 0.16 0.115
Alert Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.32 0.10
Altamont Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.0625 0.03
American Consolidated Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000     0.085 0.05375
Anaconda Gold Cripple Creek $5 $5,000,000 0.61 0.33 0.49 0.335
Anchoria-Leland Gold Cripple Creek $1 $600,000     1.00 0.65
Antelope Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.03875 0.0225
Aola Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.0625 0.05
Arcadia Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000     0.08 0.045
Argentum-Juniata Silver & Lead Aspen $2 $2,600,000 0.40 0.17 0.30 0.17
Arrow Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.075 0.045
Bankers Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.20 0.115
Banner Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.04875 0.03375
Battle Mountain Consolidated Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,500,000     0.3475 0.20
Beacon Hill Ajax Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.0725 0.03
Ben Hur Gold Cripple Creek $1 $900,000     0.08625 0.06
Big Four Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.30 0.02125
Black Belle Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.15 0.09
Blue Bell Gold Cripple Creek $1 $500,000     0.14 0.105
Bob Lee Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000     0.08 0.03875
Bonnie Nell Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.09 0.06
Buckhorn Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.07875 0.05
Butterfly-Terrible Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.265 0.19
Cable Consolidated Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.055 0.02
Cadillac Consolidated Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.025 0.0175
Central Consolidated Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.1675 0.06
Champion Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.08625 0.0625
Chicolo Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.04625 0.02125
C. O. D. Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.08 0.04
Colfax Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.03 0.01875
Col. Victor Gold Cripple Creek $1       0.20875 0.12625
Commonwealth Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.0925 0.08
Constantine Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.07 0.055
Copper Mountain Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000     0.10875 0.035
Coriolanus Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.215 0.175
Cosmos Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.01 0.006
Creede & Cripple Creek Gold Cripple Creek $1 $800,000     0.155 0.11
Cripple Creek Consolidated Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000 0.20 0.07 0.23 0.10
Cræsus Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000     0.01 0.006
Currency Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000 0.08 0.03 0.08875 0.055
Colorado City & Manitou Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,800,000     0.1775 0.10
C. C. Columbia Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.125 0.07875
C. C. G. Exts. Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.18 0.065
C. K. & N. Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.0275 0.0225
Damon Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000     0.29 0.145
Dante Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.185 0.08875
Des Moines Gold Cripple Creek $1 $500,000     0.07125 0.05
Doctor-Jack Pot Consolidated Gold Cripple Creek $1 $3,000,000     0.985 0.985
Easter Bell Gold Cripple Creek $1 $3,000,000     0.05 0.04
Eclipse Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.09875 0.08
Elkton Consolidated Gold Colorado; Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000 1.30 0.70 1.89 1.15
El Paso Gold & Copper Colorado; Cripple Creek $1 $650,000 0.50 0.10 0.475 0.335
Emma Aime Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.02125 0.0175
Enterprise Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.285 0.15
Ernestine Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.03125 0.006
Fanny Rawlins Gold & Silver Leadville $1 $1,000,000     0.455 0.20
Fauntleroy Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.09 0.06
Favorite Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,200,000 0.07 0.04    
Findley Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000 0.26 0.10 0.1575 0.11625
Flower Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.0525 0.03
Forepaugh Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.04 0.025
Franklin Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.03875 0.025
Garfield Consolidated Gold Cripple Creek $1 $800,000     0.20 0.07
Glasgow Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.01 0.006
Gold & Globe Gold Cripple Creek $1 $750,000     0.055 0.0375
Gold Coin Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     6.00 2.25
Golden Eagle Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.05 0.0375
Gold Dollar Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000     0.235 0.1875
Golden Age Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.05375 0.025
Golden Fleece Gold Cripple Creek $1 $600,000 0.50 0.23 0.31 0.20
Gold Field Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.04 0.035
Gold Hill Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.0425 0.02875
Gold King Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     1.00 0.95
Gold Sovereign Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000     0.155 0.075
Gould Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.4125 0.3025
Grace Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,200,000     0.07 0.0475
Granite Hill Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.08 0.02
Greater Gold Belt Gold Cripple Creek $1 $5,000,000     0.02625 0.025
Hart Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.20 0.1525
Hayden Gold Gold Cripple Creek $1 $5,000,000     0.02375 0.01875
Humboldt Gold & Silver Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.06125 0.0375
Ida May Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.325 0.235
Independence Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,500,000     0.71 0.42375
Ingham Consolidated Gold Cripple Creek $0.5 $1,500,000 0.15 0.07 0.2625 0.14375
Ironclad Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.0625 0.04
Isabella Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,500,000 1.58 0.35 1.395 0.685
Jack Pot Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000 0.69 0.35 0.72 0.415
Jefferson Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,100,000     0.105 0.06
Jolly Jane Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.0825 0.0625
Josephine Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.045 0.01625
Kaffirs Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.05 0.03
Katinka Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.50 0.25
Kentucky Belle Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.05 0.04
Keystone Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.19 0.125
Key West Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.055 0.0275
Kimberley Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.14125 0.09
Kitty Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.0375 0.025
Lexington Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000 0.32 0.06 0.265 0.11125
Little Bessie Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.04125 0.02
Little Joan Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.0925 0.055
Little Nell Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.09625 0.0575
Little Puck Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000     0.13125 0.085
Los Angeles Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.0875 0.0275
Magna Charta Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.0575 0.025
Magnet Rock Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000 0.06 0.02 0.04625 0.03375
Margaret Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.03625 0.0225
Margery Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.055 0.025
Maria A Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.0475 0.035
Mariposa Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.09375 0.055
Matoa Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000 0.46 0.24 0.38 0.165
Midway Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.07625 0.04625
M. J. T. Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.0425 0.0325
Missouri Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.04125 0.02875
Mobile Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000 0.08 0.03 0.045 0.02875
Mollie Dwyre Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.0725 0.0275
Mollie Gibson Consolidated Silver Colorado; Aspen $5 $5,000,000 0.32 0.22 0.29 0.22
Monarch Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.10125 0.06875
Montreal Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.155 0.0425
Moon-Anchor Gold Colorado; Cripple Creek $1 $600,000 1.35 0.50 0.745 0.30
Morning Star Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.04875 0.03125
Mountain Beauty Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000     0.1225 0.075
Mt. Rosa Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000 0.56 0.17 0.935 0.41
Mutual Gold Cripple Creek $1 $700,000     0.06875 0.04
National Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.14625 0.08
Nellie V. Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.125 0.0725
New Haven Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000 0.07 0.02 0.09125 0.06375
Nugget Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.22 0.1675
O. K. Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.045 0.02375
Old Gold Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,800,000     0.0225 0.0125
Olive Branch Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.09625 0.05
Ophir Gold Cripple Creek $1 $700,000     0.60 0.30
Oriole Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000 0.08 0.01 0.06 0.0375
Orphan Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.225 0.15
Palace Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.0225 0.01625
Pappoose Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,250,000     0.10875 0.065
Pelican Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.03125 0.02
Pharmacist Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,200,000     0.1625 0.08875
Pilgrim Consolidated Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.14625 0.08
Pinnacle Gold Cripple Creek $1 $2,000,000     0.295 0.165
Portland Gold Cripple Creek $1 $3,000,000 2.60 1.46 3.50 2.27
Prince Albert Gold Cripple Creek $1 $3,000,000 0.07 0.02 0.065 0.04
Princess Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.06375 0.04875
Progress Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.09875 0.055
Pythias Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.09125 0.045
Ramona Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.115 0.08
Rattler Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.07 0.0475
Red Umbrella Gold Cripple Creek $1 $500,000     0.10 0.09
Reno Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.075 0.035
Republic Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.075 0.06
Robert Burns Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.0675 0.045
Rocky Mountain Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.07375 0.045
Rose Maud Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.1325 0.07
Rose Nichol Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.14 0.10
Sedan Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.025 0.01875
Shannon Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,750,000     0.025 0.0125
Silver State Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.03 0.015
Silver Gold Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.02 0.01
Specimen Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,200,000 0.15 0.06 0.14 0.09
Temonj Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.51 0.10
Texas Girl Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.02375 0.0125
Theresa Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000     0.10 0.06
Trachyte Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000 0.10 0.04 0.075 0.04875
Union Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000 0.07 0.03 0.4975 0.09
Vindicator Consolidated Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     1.58 1.30
Virginia M. Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.11375 0.07
Wide Awake Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,500,000     0.07875 0.055
Work Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,250,000 0.36 0.15 0.3675 0.22
Zenobia Gold Cripple Creek $1 $1,000,000     0.215 0.10


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